Scuba Diving and or Snorkeling are exciting and demanding activities. To scuba dive or snorkel safely you must not be extremely overweight and or out of condition. These activities can be strenuous under certain conditions and as such your respiratory and circulatory systems must be in good health. All body airspaces must be normal and healthy. A person with heart trouble, a cold, congestion, epilepsy, asthma or any severe medical problem, or who is under the influence of alcohol or drugs should not snorkel or scuba dive. If you are taking prescription medications you should consult your doctor before snorkeling or scuba diving. The purpose of this medical release is to find out if you should be examined by a doctor prior to scuba diving or snorkeling. A positive response does not mean you are unable to snorkel or scuba dive, it just means that due to the preexisting condition and for your own safety you should seek the consent of your doctor prior to snorkeling or scuba diving.
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